The solar minimum has arrived. Sunspots have all but vanished. Solar flares are nonexistent. The sun is utterly quiet, like the quiet before storm. The next solar max is expected in 2010…
Solar cycles have been tracked since 1755. The ancient Mesoamerican cultures that worshiped the sun predict a great change to humanity to come in the year 2012. The next sunspot cycle is expected to be the most intense in fifty years.
Could the coming solar storm mean the end of the world is near? We can’t really be sure, but after carefully consulting the latest forecast from the Mayan calendar, tamir decides that the right energy moment has arrived to bring the mariposaHD team (and the world of internet HD video) to his homeland of Mexico. There, we meet tamir’s younger brother uriel, who is a popular male model and host on Mexican television, and the perfect guide for our visit to the land of the Aztecs.
After filming 3 episodes in Argentina and 3 episodes in Uruguay, tamir, mike, jeff, and dominic grab the HD cameras, the medallion of lucky, and plenty of blank tapes and head north to bring you this new mariposaHD adventure in Mexico!
segment 1: zicatela

We join uriel and his model friends roman and amanda for a drive through the pueblos of Oaxaca to Zicatela, one of the top surfing beaches in the world. We find the beach to be invaded by Brazilian surfers who, as luck would have it, brought some mariposa girls along with them. As the boys step into the surf we pass the medallion of lucky to this episode’s new mariposa girl from Brazil, melissa. In the quiet before the coming solar storm, enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, and great views from the beach in high definition clarity here on mariposaHD.
segment 2: piramides

Teotihuacán, named ‘the city of gods’ by the Aztecs, is a 40 minute drive from modern Mexico City. This ancient abandoned city contains the pyramid of the sun, one of the largest in the world. The place has special energy and the best way to capture it in HD video is with majo, a new mariposa girl who helps make our history lesson even more interesting. Recharge your energies with us in this mystical place in full 1080p resolution.
segment 3: desfile

As the sun sets and night comes, we return to Mexico City where uriel has invited us to join him for an important fashion show. With some help from the medallion of lucky, we head backstage to find plenty of interesting new mariposa girls from all over the world. We hope you enjoy it.